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Streamline MIPS reporting
to achieve the maximum score possible!

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Make the most of your Modernizing Medicine data

Healthmonix MIPSpro and Modernizing Medicine, continuing a decade-long partnership, have streamlined MIPS reporting and reduced administrative burdens for your organization. By leveraging real-time data collected in ModMed systems starting in Q1 of 2024, your practice will gain access to industry-leading measure calculations, analytics, and immediate insights for performance improvement. Maximize Medicare reimbursements by achieving top MIPS scores as seen by our clients.

Your organization can now benefit from:

  • Tracking quality measure performance for 12 months 
  • Drill-down capabilities and advanced analytics to identify and address gaps in care
  • Tracking your estimated MIPS score year round
  • Actionable insights into cost performance
  • Data validation and submission assistance

Ready to turbocharge your MIPS reporting? Dive in with MIPSpro! Register today, create your MIPSpro account, and snag licenses for 2024 reporting.

Don't have an account yet? No worries! Register first, then choose the licenses you need. Select licenses tailored to your practice's needs and set up your account. Healthmonix and ModMed will take care of the rest.


With MIPSpro, you have the power to report on Quality, Cost, and more, so you can elevate your performance to the next level.

MIPS is harder than ever and having a solution that will optimize your score through ever-increasing reporting options is critical to your success. Make reporting easier and spend more time focusing on improving performance, increasing your incentives and providing better patient care.

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Get started today! 

1. Set up your practice in 5 minutes.
2. Let Healthmonix and ModMed activate your data integration. (2024)
3. Start monitoring your performance. (2024)
4. Submit your data to CMS during submission season. (2025)

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Get started with ModMed reporting

Please fill out the form below and a Healthmonix representative will contact you to assist: